Saturday, January 10, 2015

Squid Dissection

We are continuing our study of animal adaptations and today we explored a very special animal in the mollusk family. Small frozen squid are available at the grocery store, so each year I buy a package for my kiddos to dissect.
Here's what the squid look like before we start.

Here is what they look like when we are done. You can see a small fish at the top of this plate. We found it in the stomach of one of the squid we dissected.

The squids have an ink sac and a body part called the pen that is used to give the animal shape. The students pierced the ink sac and wrote their names with the pen.

When we were finished, the 5th graders cut off the tentacles and cut the mantle (body) into rings. Then we fried them up as calamari! Yum!

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